
class props.Array

Multi-dimensional float or int array prop

This is a type of props.Prop that can be used when a props.HasProps class needs a numeric array property.

Attributes (in addition to those inherited from props.Prop):


A nested cell array describing the shape of the array where the n-th entry must correspond to size(array, n). If an entry is ‘*’, that dimension can be any size. Note: The requirement for nesting the cell array is necessary to subvert MATLAB’s default treatment of cell arrays contained in structs.


If Shape = {{1, 3, '*'}}, valid array sizes include [1, 3, 1], [1, 3, 100], etc. Invalid array sizes include [1, 3], [1, 3, 100, 1], [3, 1, 100].
If true, array is written to binary when serialized to a file. If false, array is written as a string when serialized.
float or int
If true, the array is saved as as (array - 1) for compatibility with zero-indexed languages. If false, the array is saved as-is.


class HasArrayProp < props.HasProps
    properties (Hidden, SetAccess = immutable)
        ArrayPropStruct = {                                     ...
            struct(                                             ...
                'Name', 'ThreeColumns',                         ...
                'Type', @props.Array,                           ...
                'Doc', 'Three column array, saved as binary',   ...
                'Shape', {{'*', 3}},                            ...
                'Binary', true,                                 ...
                'DataType', 'float'                             ...
            )                                                   ...

See also props.Prop, props.HasProps, props.Float, props.Int, props.Repeated, props.Image