
class props.Instance

Prop that is an instance of a given class

This is a type of props.Prop that can be used when a props.HasProps class needs a property that is an instance of any Class. If the instance class is also a subclass of props.HasProps, it will be recursively validated on a call to ‘validate()’.

Attributes (in addition to those inherited from props.Prop):

Handle to the type of instance this prop requires. This may be any MATLAB class. If the Class is another subclass of props.HasProps it will benefit from additional recursive validation. Even circular Class assignment (for example having a class use itself as a PROPS.INSTANCE) can be achieved by setting Class = eval(‘@CurcularClass’), as long as the eval function is valid at runtime.
Cell array of default arguments used to construct the DynamicDefault value of the class if Initialize is true. If Initialize is false, Args are unused.
Whether or not to auto-create an instance of the class for the property. If Initialize is true, valid Args must be provided as well. If Initialize is false, Required or ValidateDefault will likely need to be false as well. Otherwise, PROPS.INSTANCE will attempt to validate the uninitialized (empty) default value and probably fail.


class HasInstanceProp < props.HasProps
    properties (Hidden, SetAccess = immutable)
        InstancePropStruct = {                                  ...
            struct(                                             ...
                'Name', 'FigureInstance',                       ...
                'Type', @props.Instance,                        ...
                'Doc', 'An auto-created figure property',       ...
                'Class', @matlab.ui.Figure,                     ...
                'Initialize', true                              ...
            )                                                   ...

See also props.Prop, props.HasProps, props.Union, props.Repeated