

Add a PNG image to an existing Steno3d resource

steno3d.addImage(resource, pngfile, width, height) scales PNG image pngfile to size width x height, then projects it in a direction perpendicular to the horizontal plane onto the Steno3D resource (Point or Surface).

steno3d.addImage(resource, pngfile, dir1, dim1, dir2, dim2) scales and reshapes the PNG image pngfile so its x-axis lies along dir1 with length dim1 and its y-axis lies along dir2 with length dim2. dir1 and dir2 are either a 1 x 3 vector or ‘X’, ‘Y’ or ‘Z’. The image is then projected in a direction perpendicular to dir1 and dir2 (the dir1-cross-dir2 direction) onto the Steno3D resource.

steno3d.addImage(..., origin) shifts the origin of the image by 1 x 3 vector origin, prior to projection onto the resource.

steno3d.addImage(..., title) gives the image a title string. If no title is provided, the image will be titled based on the PNG file name.

Images can only be added to Points or Surfaces. Also, the images are simply projected straight onto the Resource. This is different than MATLAB’s ‘texturemap’ face coloring that wraps the image based on the underlying surface geometry. To map data to the geometry, use steno3d.addData() instead.

Also, when plotting projects locally, images only show up as dashed outlines at the position they are projected from. To see the result of adding the image, you must upload the project and view it on


% Generate a png image
[x, y, z] = sphere; surf(x, y, z); h = findobj('Type', 'surface');
load earth; hemisphere = [ones(257,125), X, ones(257,125)];
set(h, 'CData', flipud(hemisphere), 'FaceColor', 'texturemap');
colormap(map); axis equal; view([90 0]);
fig = gcf; fig.Position = [fig.Position(1:3) fig.Position(3)];
ax = gca; ax.Position = [0 0 1 1];
pngFile = [tempname '.png'];
print(fig, '-dpng', tempFile);
% Create a surface
verts = [x(:) y(:) z(:)];
tris = convhull(x(:), y(:), z(:));
[proj, sfc] = steno3d.trisurf(tris, verts);
% Add the image
steno3d.addImage(sfc, pngFile, 'X', 2, 'Z', 2, [-1 -1 -1],      ...


See also steno3d.core.Texture2DImage, steno3d.addData, steno3d.trisurf