

Create and plot a Steno3D Volume resource

steno3d.volume(data) creates a Steno3D Project with a Volume resource defined by data, an m x n x p matrix. The data values are plotted on cell-centers with unit widths. Cell boundaries are defined by x = 0:m, y = 0:n, and z = 0:p.

steno3d.volume(origin, data) creates a Steno3D Project with a Volume resource as above, offset by 1 x 3 origin vector. Cell boundaries are defined by x = origin(1) + (0:m), y = origin(2) + (0:n), and z = origin(3) + (0:p).

steno3d.volume(X, Y, Z, data) creates a Steno3D Project with a Volume resource as above. X, Y, and Z are vectors of cell boundaries (with sizes n x 1, m x 1, and p x 1, respectively) OR of cell widths (with sizes (n-1) x 1, (m-1) x 1, and (p-1) x 1, respectively). Since the volume dimensions are given by X, Y, and Z in this case, data may also be a m*n*p x 1 vector.

steno3d.volume(X, Y, Z, origin, data) creates a Steno3D Project with a Volume resource as above, offset by 1 x 3 origin vector. This is useful when X, Y, and Z are cell widths.

steno3d.volume(..., title1, data1, ..., titleN, dataN) adds any number of titled datasets to the Volume resource. title must be a string and data must be a matrix of size m x n x p (or m*n*p x 1 if X, Y, and Z are provided). title/data pairs may replace the standalone data matrices above. (For more details see steno3d.addData())

steno3d.volume(project, ...) adds the Volume resource to project, an existing Steno3D Project. project may also be a figure or axes handle that was created by a Steno3D plotting function.

project = steno3d.volume(...) returns project, the Steno3D Project that contains the new Volume resource.

[project, volume] = steno3d.volume(...) returns project, the Steno3D Project, and volume, the new Volume resource.

steno3d.volume does not have a MATLAB builtin counterpart. When plotting a Steno3D Volume locally, its boundaries are displayed in a similar way as slice, but when uploaded to steno3d.com, the entire volume is available for plotting, slicing, and isosurfacing. After creating a Volume resource with steno3d.volume, properties of the Volume object can be directly modified.


[xvals, yvals, zvals] = ndgrid(-7.5:4:7.5, -9:2:9, -9.5:9.5);
[proj, vol] = steno3d.volume(                                   ...
    4*ones(5, 1), 2*ones(10, 1), ones(20, 1), [-10 -10 -10],    ...
    'X-Values', xvals, 'Y-Values', yvals, 'Z-Values', zvals     ...
vol.Title = 'Example Volume';
vol.Description = 'Volume with x, y, and z data';
vol.Title = 'Project with one Volume';
proj.Public = true;


See also steno3d.core.Volume, steno3d.upload, steno3d.addData, steno3d.core.Project