
class props.Color

RGB, Hex, or string color prop

This is a type of props.Prop that can be used when a props.HasProps class needs a color property. Examples of valid colors include:

  • 8-bit RGB colors with values betweeon 0-255 (e.g. [0 128 255])
  • MATLAB RGB colors with values between 0-1 (e.g. [0 .5 .5])
  • Hex string colors with 6 digits (e.g. ‘#0080FF’)
  • Hex string colors with 3 digits (e.g. ‘#F50’)
  • MATLAB color letters (e.g. ‘y’)
  • Standard, named web colors (e.g. ‘papayawhip’)
  • Random color (‘random’)

All of these are converted to and stored as their equivalent 8-bit RGB color.

Attributes - No properties besides those inherited from props.Prop


class HasColorProp < props.HasProps
    properties (Hidden, SetAccess = immutable)
        ColorPropStruct = {                                     ...
            struct(                                             ...
                'Name', 'FaceColor',                            ...
                'Type', @props.Color,                           ...
                'Doc', 'Color of the object',                   ...
                'DefaultValue', 'random'                        ...
            )                                                   ...

See also props.Prop, props.HasProps, props.Vector, props.Instance