Data BindersΒΆ

Adding data to resources in Steno3D

Steno3D uses data binders to bind DataArrays to CompositeResources. Because of this, the “Data” property of a resource is a binder (or cell array of binders). These binders each have two properties:

Data - DataArray with title, description, array, etc.

Location - Geometry element to which data is bound, either ‘N’
(nodes) or ‘CC’ (cell-centers).

It is not necessary to construct binder objects explicitly; they can be created implicitly using cell arrays as shown in the example below.

% Initialize a Steno3D Point resource
myPoint = steno3d.core.Point;
myPoint.Mesh = steno3d.core.Mesh0D('Vertices', rand(100, 3));
randomData1 = steno3d.core.DataArray(                        ...
    'Title', 'Random Point Data',                            ...
    'Array', rand(100, 1)                                    ...

% Explicit data binder construction (NOT RECOMMENDED)
myPoint.Data = steno3d.core.binders.PointBinder(             ...
    'Location', 'N', 'Data', randomData1                     ...

% Implicit data binder construction (RECOMMENDED)
myPoint.Data = {'Location', 'N', 'Data', randomData1};

% Adding multiple datasets to one resource
randomData2 = steno3d.core.DataArray(                        ...
    'Title', 'More Random Point Data',                       ...
    'Array', rand(100, 1)                                    ...
randomData3 = steno3d.core.DataArray(                        ...
    'Title', 'Another Random Point Data',                    ...
    'Array', rand(100, 1)                                    ...
myPoint.Data = {                                             ...
    {'Location', 'N', 'Data', randomData1},                  ...
    {'Location', 'N', 'Data', randomData2},                  ...
    {'Location', 'N', 'Data', randomData3}                   ...

Binder types:

steno3d.core.binders.PointBinder - Bind data to nodes of a Steno3D Point

steno3d.core.binders.LineBinder - Bind data to segments or vertices of a Steno3D Line

steno3d.core.binders.SurfaceBinder - Bind data to faces or vertices of a Steno3D Surface

steno3d.core.binders.VolumeBinder - Bind data to cell centers of a Steno3D Volume

For more examples see the DataArray examples

See also steno3d.core.DataArray, steno3d.addData