convert figures/axes examplesΒΆ

Example 1: Convert MATLAB axes to Steno3D Project

figure; peaks;
example1 = steno3d.convert(gca);

Example 2: Convert figure with multiple graphics to Steno3D

figure; peaks; hold on; sphere; cylinder
example2 = steno3d.convert(gcf);

Example 3: Combine four axes into one project with multiple resources

fig = figure;
subplot(221); [x, y] = ndgrid(-3:.1:0, -3:.1:0); peaks(x, y);
subplot(222); [x, y] = ndgrid(-3:.1:0, .2:.1:3); peaks(x, y);
subplot(223); [x, y] = ndgrid(.2:.1:3, .2:.1:3); peaks(x, y);
subplot(224); [x, y] = ndgrid(.2:.1:3, -3:.1:0); peaks(x, y);
example3 = steno3d.convert(fig, 'CombineAxes', true);
close; clear fig x y;

Example 4: Combine four axes and combine all their graphics

fig = figure;
subplot(221); [x, y] = ndgrid(-3:.1:0, -3:.1:0); peaks(x, y);
subplot(222); [x, y] = ndgrid(-3:.1:0, .2:.1:3); peaks(x, y);
subplot(223); [x, y] = ndgrid(.2:.1:3, .2:.1:3); peaks(x, y);
subplot(224); [x, y] = ndgrid(.2:.1:3, -3:.1:0); peaks(x, y);
example4 = steno3d.convert(fig, 'CombineAxes', true,         ...
                           'CombineResources', true);
close; clear fig x y; example4.plot();

You can run the above examples with:


Then plot the projects with:

example1.plot(); % etc...

See also steno3d.convert