trisurf plotting examplesΒΆ

Example 1: Create a Steno3D Project with triangulated Surface resource

x = [0 1 0 0]; y = [0 0 1 0]; z = [0 0 0 1];
tris = convhull(x, y, z);
example1 = steno3d.trisurf(tris, x, y, z);
clear x y z

Example 2: Create Project and blue Surface from triangles and vertices

verts = rand(100, 3)-0.5;
tris = convhull(verts(:, 1), verts(:, 2), verts(:, 3));
example2 = steno3d.trisurf(tris, verts, 'b');

Example 3: Create Project and Surface with node and cell-center data

verts = rand(100, 3)-0.5;
tris = convhull(verts(:, 1), verts(:, 2), verts(:, 3));
example3 = steno3d.trisurf(tris, verts,                      ...
    'Random Node Data', rand(size(verts, 1), 1),             ...
    'Random Face Data', rand(size(tris, 1), 1)               ...

Example 4: Create Project and two Surfaces from triangles and vertices

verts = rand(100, 3)-0.5;
tris = convhull(verts(:, 1), verts(:, 2), verts(:, 3));
[example4, mySurface] = steno3d.trisurf(tris, verts, 'b');
example4.Title = 'Example 4 Project';
mySurface.Title = 'Blue Surface';
[~, mySurface] = steno3d.trisurf(example4, tris, verts*2, 'y');
mySurface.Opts.Opacity = 0.25;
clear mySurface verts tris

You can run the above examples with:


Then plot the projects with:

example1.plot(); % etc...

See also steno3d.trisurf, steno3d.core.Surface, steno3d.core.Project