addData examplesΒΆ

Example 1: Create a Point resource and add untitled x-coordinate data

coords = rand(100, 3);
[example1, pts] = steno3d.scatter(coords, 'r');
steno3d.addData(pts, coords(:, 1));
clear coords pts

Example 2: Create a Surface and add random face data

x = [0 1 0 0]; y = [0 0 1 0]; z = [0 0 0 1];
tris = convhull(x, y, z);
example2 = steno3d.trisurf(tris, x, y, z, 'r');
steno3d.addData(example2.Resources{1}, 'Face Data', rand(4, 1));
clear x y z tris

Example 3: Create a grid Surface and add four datasets


pks is a grid with 20x20 edges and 19x19 faces. Data of several different sizes can be added

[example3, pks] = steno3d.surface(peaks(20));
steno3d.addData(pks, 'Node Data from Matrix', rand(20, 20));
steno3d.addData(pks, 'Node Data from Array', rand(20*20, 1));
steno3d.addData(pks, 'Face Data from Matrix', rand(19, 19));
steno3d.addData(pks, 'Face Data from Array', rand(19*19, 1));
clear pks

You can run the above examples with:


Then plot the projects with:

example1.plot(); % etc...

See also steno3d.addData, steno3d.scatter, steno3d.trisurf, steno3d.surface