addImage examplesΒΆ

Example 1: Add a newly created PNG image to a Point resource

pngFile = [tempname '.png'];
imwrite(imread('ngc6543a.jpg'), pngFile, 'png');
[example1, pts] = steno3d.scatter(rand(1000, 3));
steno3d.addImage(pts, pngFile, 1, 1);
clear pngFile pts;

Example 2: Add three images to a Surface with varying orientations

pngFile = [tempname '.png'];
imwrite(imread('ngc6543a.jpg'), pngFile, 'png');
[example2, sfc] = steno3d.surface(                           ...
    'X', 0:.1:1, 'Z', 0:.1:1, [0 0 0]                        ...
steno3d.addImage(sfc, pngFile, 'X', .25, 'Z', .25);
steno3d.addImage(sfc, pngFile, 'X', .25, 'Z', .25,           ...
                 [.25 0 .25]);
steno3d.addImage(sfc, pngFile, [-1 0 0], .5, [0 0 -1], .5,   ...
                 [1 0 1], 'Reversed Space Image');
clear pngFile sfc;

Example 3: Project an image created with MATLAB texturemap on a sphere

fig = figure; [x, y, z] = sphere; surf(x, y, z);
h = findobj('Type', 'surface');
load earth; hemisphere = [ones(257,125), X, ones(257,125)];
set(h, 'CData', flipud(hemisphere), 'FaceColor', 'texturemap');
colormap(map); axis equal; view([90 0]);
fig.Position = [fig.Position(1:3) fig.Position(3)];
ax = gca; ax.Position = [0 0 1 1];
pngFile = [tempname '.png'];
print(fig, '-dpng', pngFile);
clear map X h hemisphere fig ax
verts = [x(:) y(:) z(:)];
tris = convhull(x(:), y(:), z(:));
[example3, sfc] = steno3d.trisurf(tris, verts);
steno3d.addImage(sfc, pngFile, 'X', 2, 'Z', 2, [-1 -1 -1],   ...
clear x y z verts tris sfc pngFile;

You can run the above examples with:


Then plot the projects with:

example1.plot(); % etc...

See also steno3d.addImage, steno3d.scatter, steno3d.surface, steno3d.trisurf