Volume resource construction examplesΒΆ

Example 1: Create a Steno3D Volume resource with cell-centered data


Unlike other Steno3D resources, Volumes require data

vol = steno3d.core.Volume;
xspacing = ones(5, 1);
yspacing = ones(10, 1);
zspacing = ones(15, 1);
mesh = steno3d.core.Mesh3DGrid;
mesh.H1 = xspacing;
mesh.H2 = yspacing;
mesh.H3 = zspacing;
vol.Mesh = mesh;
[x, ~, ~] = ndgrid(-2:2, -4.5:4.5, -7:7);
xdata = steno3d.core.DataArray;
xdata.Title = 'X Values';
xdata.Array = x(:);
vol.Data = {'Location', 'CC', 'Data', xdata};
example1 = steno3d.core.Project;
example1.Resources = vol;
clear vol xspacing yspacing zspacing mesh xdata x;

Example 2: Create a Volume resource offset from zero and set options

vol = steno3d.core.Volume;
vol.Title = 'Example 2 Volume';
vol.Description = 'This Volume resource will be yellow';
mesh = steno3d.core.Mesh3DGrid;
mesh.H1 = ones(5, 1);
mesh.H2 = ones(10, 1);
mesh.H3 = ones(15, 1);
mesh.O = [-2.5 -5 -7.5];
vol.Mesh = mesh;
vol.Opts.Color = 'y';
vol.Opts.Opacity = 0.75;
vol.Mesh.Opts.Wireframe = true;
[x, ~, ~] = ndgrid(-2:2, -4.5:4.5, -7:7);
xdata = steno3d.core.DataArray;
xdata.Title = 'X Values';
xdata.Array = x(:);
vol.Data = {'Location', 'CC', 'Data', xdata};
example2 = steno3d.core.Project;
example2.Title = 'Example 2';
example2.Description = 'Project with a volume';
example2.Resources = vol;
clear vol mesh xdata x;

Example 3: Create a Volume resource in a more compact way

vol = steno3d.core.Volume(                                   ...
    'Title', 'Example 3 Volume',                             ...
    'Description', 'This Volume resource will have data',    ...
    'Mesh', steno3d.core.Mesh3DGrid(                         ...
        'H1', ones(5, 1),                                    ...
        'H2', ones(10, 1),                                   ...
        'H3', ones(15, 1),                                   ...
        'O', [-2.5 -5 -7.5],                                 ...
        'Opts', {'Wireframe', true}                          ...
    ),                                                       ...
    'Opts', {'Color', 'y', 'Opacity', 0.75}                  ...
[x, ~, ~] = ndgrid(-2:2, -4.5:4.5, -7:7);
xdata = steno3d.core.DataArray(                              ...
    'Title', 'X Values',                                     ...
    'Array', x(:)                                            ...
vol.Data = {'Location', 'CC', 'Data', xdata};
example3 = steno3d.core.Project(                             ...
    'Title', 'Example 3',                                    ...
    'Description', 'Project with a volume',                  ...
    'Resources', vol                                         ...
clear vol xdata x;

Example 4: Create a Volume resource with multiple datasets


There are a couple new features introduced in this consolidated construction. (1) Multiple datasets are assigned as a cell array. (2) Passing cell arrays of parameters (e.g. for Mesh) implicitly calls the correct constructor. (3) Data Location is not specified since ‘CC’ is the only available location for volumes.

[x, y, z] = ndgrid(-2:2, -4.5:4.5, -7:7);
vol = steno3d.core.Volume(                                   ...
    'Title', 'Example 4 Volume',                             ...
    'Description', 'This Volume resource will have data',    ...
    'Mesh', {'H1', ones(5, 1),                               ...
             'H2', ones(10, 1),                              ...
             'H3', ones(15, 1),                              ...
             'O', [-2.5 -5 -7.5],                            ...
             'Opts', {'Wireframe', true}},                   ...
    'Opts', {'Color', 'y', 'Opacity', 0.75},                 ...
    'Data', {                                                ...
        {'Data', {'Title', 'X Data', 'Array', x(:)}},        ...
        {'Data', {'Title', 'Y Data', 'Array', y(:)}},        ...
        {'Data', {'Title', 'Z Data', 'Array', z(:)}}         ...
    }                                                        ...
example4 = steno3d.core.Project(                             ...
    'Title', 'Example 4',                                    ...
    'Description', 'Project with a volume',                  ...
    'Resources', vol                                         ...
clear vol x y z;

You can run the above examples with:


Then plot the projects with:

example1.plot(); % etc...

See also steno3d.core.Volume, steno3d.core.Mesh3DGrid, steno3d.core.DataArray, steno3d.core.Project